photography blog

photography blog

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Gale Family

We had such a blast doing this shoot.  The boys started out not very eager and then they had so much fun climbing trees and skipping down the path.  They were so excited to do a couple locations knowing we were headed to the train tracks worked as great tool for bribing them into smiling.  B was so happy on the tracks I see a future engineer heading down the tracks!

Baby Jaden

Jaden really didn't enjoy his time with Great Aunt Tanya pointing my camera at him. He just wanted to be held and cuddled.  I got a few shots but definately have to go and do more. That means more snuggle time for me.

 Such personality already!.. so cute

Monday, October 24, 2011


We battled the weather for this one for sure. It poured rain for the  3 days prior and the day of the shot,  it literally stopped as we got to the hall to shot... we got to take a few outside before we lost daylight.
Thanks again guys for asking me to do your photos.  Justine I hope you have a great time out west!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

My time infront of the camera

Today is alittle different as it is my time to go on the other side of the camera! My wonderfully talented friend from DM Photography is going to take on the challenge! Watch for the results! She has her work cut out for her!

Thanks Deb looking forward to it!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

firefighter Ohm #19

I finally talked my hubby into letting me do his fireman shots!  Had fun

fire hall

Took some photos of my Brother In Law as he completes his 25th year of firefighting.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Family photos

My Mom & Dad,.  Lets just say never a dull moment!!

Tim & Kim Photos

Took the opportunity to photography my brother and his beautiful girl friend while I was up for a visit!

Family Photos

I couldn't resist taking some family photos with the beautiful scenery.

Family photos

On our beautiful Thanksgiving weekend we got together at my brothers in Huntsville and had a fabulous weekend.  Lots of Beautiful scenery and family fun!